Tranquilo Lab

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Our story

Our founder, Andrea Baster, after travelling the world as a flight attendant, decided at the age of 26 to put her feet on the ground and start her own business. She launched Tranquilo Beauty Lab with one goal: to enhance the customer experience in her beauty salon.

“At Tranquilo, we didn’t want to open just another regular salon, instead, we aimed to challenge the status quo and create a unique space where you can relax while we advise you on the latest trends and you enjoy your favourite smoothie or a glass of cava after work.”

Say HELLO to top-notch treatments, a super cozy salon, and impeccable service you can trust at all times.

Hands UP! The best beauty salon has arrived in Madrid… for now! (She laughs as she tells us this.)

Love team, T.

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222 Angel Number

From the very beginning, I knew that the name of my salon had to make a nod to Angel Numbers. For those who don’t know, Angel Numbers are a series of repeating numbers that we can find in our everyday lives whenever these energies want to communicate something to us. I firmly believe that the energies and attitude you bring to life determine your future.

So, I had the name, which at first was Tranquilo Beauty Lab. But I thought that this “Lab”, as any good laboratory, deserved to have a number, and what better than the year Tranquilo was born, which, coincidentally, I see as an Angel Number, since in 2022 the number two repeated three times.

I love the idea that, many years from now, I’ll look back and always remember the year when the most important and beautiful project of my life was born.

Then I thought of continuing this story in the future, naming each new salon after the year it was established, following Tranquilo Beauty Lab: Tranquilo Beauty Lab 224, 226. I hope I can open many more Tranquilos and that this number becomes infinite!

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